Tory and I both love Thanksgiving. Family and food...good combination for fun. We are headed to Alpena for two family get togethers and then back to Little Rock for the LSU game and down time recovering from over eating. We are also taking Dina with us to Alpena for her first American Thanksgiving. Given her love for food and eating, she too will be a fan of Thanksgiving.
Tonight I will also get to see my mom's side of the family in a mini thanksgiving/Birthday celebration. My grandfather turned 80 this weekend! On his birthday I called him at 5:25 am. I knew he is the only person in the world who had already been up for close to an hour and would pick up the phone that early on their birthday. I was able to have a great conversation with him that morning and I asked him what advice an 80 year old man would give to a 26 year old man. He simply stated, to live a Christian life, love and protect your family, and work hard. Three simple principles that he has whole heartily lived out in his 80 years.
Dad and I had a successful trip to Kansas again this year! First day was rough, but we really got into the birds the last two days. It was full of the usual hounding for bad shooting and self promotion for good shooting. Al was kind enough to purchase us all hats that said "Art's Hen Hunt" in memory of the lone Hen pheasant Art accidentally shot last year. I could not stop laughing! I will post pictures later with more hunting details!
It is Thanksgiving...and we have so much to be thankful for! Tory and I are blessed with great family, great jobs, and good friends. It is our prayer that we would view all of these as blessing from God and that we would use them to bring Him glory. We are so thankful!
Just because I love Blogs with pictures...Here are some of the previous Thanksgiving photos!
Granddaddy asleep at the computer!
All the women working hard and Gloria just looking pretty for the camera
Juno and Tory Studying for Law finals!
Demuth, Hill, and Lewis Clan family photo
Happy Thanksgiving!